The CV Partner Blog

This is where our team posts the latest trends, tips and tricks on making CV Partner work for you and your team. If you don’t find what you need, contact us!Contact us

Crafting Winning RFP Resumes: A Comprehensive Guide To Showcasing Your Team’s Key Personnel

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore what RFP resumes are, why they’re so important to get right, and how to craft them in a way that sets your proposal apart from the competition.

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The 3 Ways Outdated Resume Processes Are Killing Your Bid Success

In this blog we’ll look at the three key ways outdated resume processes are killing your firm’s success rate, and why not acting on them is putting your firm at a serious disadvantage.

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The Face Behind the Tech: Christoffer's Work with AI

Explore how Christoffer at CV Partner drives AI innovation with generative AI like automatic translations and advanced proofreading. Discover challenges, recent developments, and future initiatives for enhancing user experiences through AI solutions.

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Applying AI to Streamline Bids & Proposals

AI is rapidly transforming industries across the board, sparking both excitement and apprehension in the process. In this blog, we'll discuss our approach to adopting AI, and we’ll showcase our two latest features that harness this powerful technology

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Empowering Your Staff To Make Guided Resume Updates

To capture your firm's latest achievements, your employees need to update their resumes (CVs) consistently. However, achieving ongoing updates is easier said than done. In this blog we'll cover how CV Partner's features enable autonomous updates, while ensuring quality content.

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Optimizing Resume & CV Terminology for Higher Scoring Proposals

When it comes to submitting a winning proposal, your firm’s ability to meet RFP scoring criteria is critical. Learn why using the right terminology in your firm's resumes is important to score highly, and learn how to facilitate these terms' usage.

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CV Partner Teams Up with Operating for Integrated Proposal and Resource Management

Read about our partnership with Operating, and learn how you can use our two tools in tandem to optimize your firm's proposal activities and resource management processes.

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Powering Knowledge Sharing For Professional Services Firms

CV Partner isn’t just about finding the best people and projects to submit with your proposals. Instead, it doubles up as an invaluable tool to facilitate knowledge sharing across your firm. Learn how in this blog.

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Sunsetting Legacy Software & Embracing New Tech: A Step-By-Step Guide

Despite how unproductive legacy systems are, trading them in for shiny new tech can still be a daunting process. In this blog, we'll walk you through the key steps that will make the changeover a smooth one.

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Why We Chose Vanta as Our Compliance Solution

For any B2B software company, maintaining robust data security and privacy practices is non-negotiable. But when you're in the business of handling personal employee information like resumes (CVs), compliance is even more crucial. Find out why we chose Vanta to be our trusted partner.

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