Product Updates

We are constantly striving to enhance our software.
To stay up-to-date with the latest updates, please follow this page.

New feature
May 29, 2024

New Feature: AI Proofreading

On the back of our AI Translations update, we have now released a proofreading tool that enables users to check the grammar of resume (CV) and reference project content.

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New feature
May 13, 2024

New Feature: AI Translations

Following a successful beta test, we have now fully released AI Translations. This feature will enable teams to quickly and easily translate resumes (CVs), Reference Projects, and Masterdata with strong levels of accuracy.

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New feature
March 25, 2024

New Limited User Access Roles

We have introduced additional access permissions to our Limited User role. With this update, Limited Users can now be added as Country, Department and Reference Project managers, which overrides the Limited User functionality, providing more flexible access controls.

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New feature
March 25, 2024

Department Managers Can Now Download User Reports

From today, users with the 'Country manager' or ‘Department Manager’ role, can now download reports for users within their department and/or custom tag. 

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New feature
March 11, 2024

New Feature: AI-Powered Translations (Beta Version)

We have just released an exciting new feature in beta mode: AI translations. This feature will enable teams to quickly and easily translate resumes and CVs, reference projects, and masterdata (ie. skills and skill categories) with strong levels of accuracy.

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Updated feature
March 8, 2024

New Fields: Contract Type & Delivery Location

We’ve just released two new fields that allow users to identify the ‘Contact Type’ and the ‘Delivery Location’ of a project.

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New feature
February 23, 2024

New language support added: French

Introducing support for French language across the user interface

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New feature
January 26, 2024

Introducing our new Audit Log - an Enterprise feature

We have just released our new Audit Log - an Enterprise feature that provides admins with an overview of actions within their CV Partner account. This log tracks a range of metrics, allowing large organizations to better manage security and compliance.

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Updated feature
January 24, 2024

User Interface Updates for Reference Project Translations

Ahead of the upcoming release of our auto translation features, we have made some user interface changes to how users translate Reference Projects. The new interface will now replicate how users already translate CVs and resumes.

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New feature
December 11, 2023

Announcing our SCIM API

We're excited to announce that CV Partner now supports the System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) protocol - enabling easier provisioning and management of users within your team.

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