Product Updates

New feature
August 1, 2023

Automated Customer Descriptions: Our First AI-Driven Feature Now in Beta

We are thrilled to announce that our first AI-driven feature Automated Customer Descriptions is now moving into the beta testing phase.

Our initial AI focus is to work with Non-Personal Identifiable Information (Non-PII). This means our new AI tool will analyze, process, and leverage data that cannot be used to identify individuals, ensuring optimal privacy while still delivering valuable insights. Our respect for user privacy and company secrets are unwavering, and we've designed this AI feature to uphold these standards. The data used to generate the text will never be connected with your company name or your CV Partner subdomain.

In order to utilize this new feature, it needs to be enabled by an administrator for your account. Once this is done, you'll have access to auto-generating customer descriptions for your current and new customers. (PS: You cannot generate a description if there is already a description in the field)

Beta testing enables us to capture practical user data and feedback. It allows us to refine and enhance our feature, ensuring that it meets the needs and exceeds the expectations of our users. We encourage all participants to share their experiences and suggestions, as your feedback is instrumental in shaping this and other AI features going forward.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue developing our AI-powered features.