Product Updates

New feature
January 26, 2024

Introducing our new Audit Log - an Enterprise feature

We have just released our new Audit Log, providing admins with an overview of actions within their CV Partner account. The log tracks logins, downloads, data changes, and system settings changes and has been built specifically for large organizations to manage security and compliance.

How it works and example use-case:

Admins can navigate the Audit Log by filtering on User, Action Type, and Date/Time.

Action Types range from as high-level as a user logging in, to as granular as a user reordering a profile section. Results are automatically sorted by most recent first.

Example use-case:

In the event of reported mis-usage of the tool, admins can check the Audit Log to investigate any suspicious activity. They can detect how many times a specific user has downloaded CVs in a certain time period, and what CVs have been downloaded. This enables the firm to follow the appropriate compliance protocol.

How to access:

The Audit Log can be accessed from the Account Settings page.

Because the Audit Log is a paid feature, users will have to click the ‘Upgrade’ button to get information about pricing, or alternatively they can enquire directly with their Customer Success Manager. You can also reach out to us directly here: 

Accessible from Account Settings

Why we are introducing a paid Enterprise feature:

As a SaaS company, we pride ourselves on improving our product with regular free updates, so that you achieve a greater ROI from CV Partner each week, month, and year that passes. Those free updates will continue, but as our product (and team!) grows to cater for new audiences and markets, we will also introduce paid upgrades.

In general, these paid features will be limited to functionality that are add-ons to the base product, instead of being a part of our core offering.

Charging for certain features will allow us to dedicate more resources to the product, thus improving your experience.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us here.