Product Updates

New feature
June 2, 2023

Introducing search for cost, size and hour extent ranges for reference projects!

We're excited to introduce our new feature that allows you to search for reference projects and case studies within specific cost, size, and hour extent ranges. This feature is designed to help you find projects that align with your bid requirement. You can now easily find reference projects and case studies within desired ranges to create tailored bids and proposals for potential clients. This new search will also help you discover projects inside your scope, providing valuable insights into the feasibility and benefits of your services.

Finding reference projects located in Norway, above 10000 EUR total cost, with a size over 1000 m²

Range search can be combined with all other searches in CV Partner

🚫 Note: When performing cost searches, please note that only results in the specified currency will be returned. If you want to find results in another currency, you will have to explicitly select that currency.

We're committed to continuously improving your search experience, and this new feature is designed to transform how you discover reference projects and case studies. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and enhancements as we strive to provide you with the best tools for your needs.

Happy searching and successful selling! 🚀

Questions and Answers

I can't see the range search or I don't have the same options as in the demonstration video?
The range search fields will only be visible for searching, if the particular fields are enabled in your account.
You can enable them here: Account -> Customize CV Partner -> Customize fields -> Reference projects

Which fields can we do range search in?
- Total project cost (Validated value & Currency dropdown)
- Company share of project cost (Validated value & Currency dropdown)
- Total project hours (Validated value)
- Company share of project hours (Validated value)
- Project size (Validated value & Unit dropdown)

As the search only works for specific currencies now, will the search be able to convert currencies in the future?
As with all our features, we continuously analyze and adjust after feedback and use. We are looking into adding additional functionality to the range search in the future, but let us know if you see this is a limitation for your use cases.

Will you be able to search for Project Experience ranges going forward as well?
We are currently looking into how we can extend the range search for CVs as well, but the use case is quite different as the result from the CV Search are CVs containing certain content, and not the projects themselves.

Why can’t I search for ranges in the old cost and hour fields?
To be able to create a good search experience, we only allow range searches in the new validated cost, size and hour fields. Reach out to your customer success representative if you want to migrate from the old fields to the new validated fields.