Product Updates

Updated feature
April 5, 2023

Made it easier to see and adjust experience and proficiency

In CV Partner, the skills a user has utilized in a project experience are reflected in the skills overview. The overview includes a calculated years of experience for each skill, based on the duration of each project. If it is enabled in your account, you can also manually set a proficiency level for each skill.

In a previous update, we added the experience indicators to each skill to make them more obvious. However, this led to an increase in inquiries to our support channels about how to change or override the experience calculation for these skills.

In this update, when editing a skill, the user will have a full overview of the experience calculation and the ability to adjust the skill's year of experience or proficiency. Previously, to get an overview, change, and potentially override each year experience calculation, a user was required to click the «show skills experience» button.

This change will make it easier for users to adjust their experience and proficiency levels without having to hunt for the right button. It will also provide a clearer view of how experience is calculated for each skill, giving users greater control over the information presented on their CV. Overall, this should result in a more streamlined and user-friendly skill experience for CV Partner users.